Salle Jeanne d'Arc - Crédit : Léonard de serres
Salle Jeanne d'Arc - Crédit : Léonard de serres
Only in french

Guided tours

Guided tour "Discovery of the Fortress"

Students discover the fortress through the highlights of its history and its key figures.

  • Audience: Study cycle 2 - Study cycle 3
  • Duration: 1h
  • Price:
    Primary, middle and high schools: €1.50 per student (entrance fee included)
    Indre-et-Loire middle schools: free
The Royal Dwellings - Credit: Léonard de Serres


Guided tour "The Little Visit"

The Little Visit takes you on a recreational and sensorial discovery.
What is the purpose of a castle? Who lives there? Follow the guide, who will answer all the questions that children have!

  • Audience: Study cycle 1 (GS) - Study cycle 2 (CP, CE1)
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Price: €2.50 per student (entrance fee included)
The Little Visit - Credit: Nathaelle Brouwers


Guided tour "à la carte"

After a discovery of the history of the Fortress, the students will explore one or two specific themes chosen by their teacher:

  • Plantagenets;
  • The Hundred Years' War;
  • Joan of Arc.
  • Audience: Study cycle 2 - Study cycle 3 - Middle School - High School
  • Duration: 1h15
  • Price: 
    Primary, middle and high schools: €1.50 per student (entrance fee included)
    Indre-et-Loire middle schools: free
Joan of Arc Hall - Credit: Léonard de Serres

Guided tour "The legend of King Arthur"

Between legend and history, discover one of the greatest literary successes of the Middle Ages: its origins, its important characters, its evolution... A whole novel!

  • Audience: Study cycle 3 (6th) - Study cycle 4 (5° and 4th)
  • Duration: 1h
  • Price:
    Middle schools outside the department: €1.50 per student (entrance fee included)
    Indre-et-Loire middle schools: free