A Queen's Christmas at the Royal Fortress of Chinon
To mark the 900th anniversary of the birth of Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Royal Fortress of Chinon is celebrating Christmas by paying tribute to women. Queens, designers, artists and photographers take centre stage!
Géraldine Leclerc, floral designer, and Véronique Chauvet, decorative artist, have come up with an enchanting itinerary combining history, poetry and nature, dedicated to the two emblematic queens of Chinon: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Marie of Anjou.
The royal dwellings are transformed into a fairytale setting with refined plant compositions, immersing visitors in the magic of the Christmas season. This immersive tour takes visitors on a real journey back in time, evoking a sumptuous Christmas banquet in the time of Eleanor and Marie d'Anjou's love of birds and sacred music.
To complete and enrich the Christmas itinerary, the Tour de l'Horloge is hosting a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Debout les Reines!’ This project highlights women of today who, through the art of photography, are reclaiming their power and reinventing themselves as modern ‘queens’ .
Accessible every day from 30 November 2024 to 5 January 2025, at no extra charge.
The Fortress is closed on 25 December 2024 and 1 January 2025.

Pour compléter et enrichir le parcours de Noël, la Tour de l’Horloge accueille l’exposition photographique «Debout les Reines ! ». Ce projet met en lumière des femmes d’aujourd’hui qui, à travers l’art de la photographie, se réapproprient leur pouvoir et se réinventent en «reines » modernes.
Parcours accessible tous les jours du 30 novembre 2024 au 5 janvier 2025, sans supplément.
La Forteresse est fermée le 25 décembre 2024 et le 1er janvier 2025.

And don't forget, use public transport to get to the Royal Fortress of Chinon!
Take advantage of reduced fares with your REMI ticket. Rémi (Réseau de Mobilité Interurbaine de la Région) offers two passes for unlimited travel, with reduced fares at certain sites on presentation of your ticket, as well as an offer for 15-25 year-olds.
The Fortress is closed on 25 December 2024 and 1 January 2025.